Sunday, May 3, 2020

Foundation of Management Bureaucratic Organizations

Question: Discuss about theFoundation of Managementfor Bureaucratic Organizations. Answer: Best Means Adopted by Rational?Bureaucratic Organizations to Achieve their Goals Whimster and Lash (2014) depicts that the bureaucraciesare goal-oriented organizations that followed rational principles so that the organizational goals can be achieved. Moreover, according to Weber, six elements are identified for a better bureaucracy. This section comprises of the two best means adopted by Rational?bureaucratic organizations so that goals can be attained efficiently. The two best means for the rational bureaucracy are the hierarchy structure of the organization and impersonality. Sturdy et al. (2016) defines that with a hierarchical structure, the employee is no longer confused regarding the boundaries between departments and jobs and helps in the time of crisis. This increases their chances of understanding the organizational requirement and achieves the goals. Salthe (2013) however, argues by stating that the in this scenario, the discrimination power of the managing authority increases. In addition to that, hierarchy enhances the lines of communication and helps in building a strong relationship between managers and subordinates Stalker et al. (2013). On the other hand, Pinho and Sacramento (2015) negates the above statement by stating that the communication between individual department increases and allocated goals can be attained; however, the communication between different section. This will hamper the overall goal achievement for the org anization. Regular communication and knowledge sharing can resolve this adversity and help employees to grow interpersonal relation with each other. Another problem that can be highlighted is the impersonality. Stein and Storr (2016) depict its advantage by stating that individual is recruited solely based on their qualification and skills and no favoritism of the managers will be allowed. Waters and Waters (2015) further adds that if the element of impersonality is considered with the diversity. This also provides equal rights with no personal preferences to every suitable candidate. Andreski (2013) highlights the negative consequence in this context that is conflict arise and discrimination due to the difference of the culture. Moreover, the benefits are that knowledge of diverse culture can be used for new market entry and formulate new products that can satisfy the needs of the customer in other countries. Transformation of Organizational Forms The organizational transformation process in this context that is considered is the combination of the old style of business with the practices of the new organizations. The paradox resides in this context is that both procedures cannot go hand in hand for the better organizational procedure. Jeston and Nelis (2014) depicts that both of this procedure is required as conventional procedure provide tried and tested results through which the outcomes will be predicted. The new procedure will help to enhance the organization's productivity and profitability. Andries et al. (2013) highlighted the advantage that adopting the conventional business models or the model that is previously tested by other is that the managing authorities can follow an approach of another leader to guide their employees. The disadvantage of the tested procedure is that it does not always relate with the organizational culture. Thus, the conventional method can result in an adverse result for the betterment of th e organization. Moreover, adopting a new technique that can be incorporated into the organizational culture will be beneficial. New technology helps in reducing the cost of the business procedure and enhances the productivity. The contemporary organization used a new procedure like employee training, reward system and job recognition that motivate the employees to serve their best for the organization. Amit and Zott (2012) mentioned that innovation is another step through which better results can be obtained by designing new production techniques and production equipment. Andries et al. (2013) further mentioned that both of the new and old procedure could be incorporated together by researching the requirement of the organization. The old procedure can be enhanced by adding new technologies and then a customized new system will be formulated that can provide maximum financial growth to the business. Reference List Amit, R. and Zott, C., 2012. Creating value through business model innovation.MIT Sloan Management Review,53(3), p.41. Andreski, S., 2013.Max Weber's insights and errors. Routledge. Andries, P., Debackere, K. and Looy, B., 2013. 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